Sunday, September 20, 2009

Eid al Fitr Visits

Ramadan ended Saturday evening at sundown. This means Muslims are no longer required to fast during the daylight hours. The two days following the end of Ramadan are called Eid al Fitr. Eid is an Arabic word meaning "festivity", while Fiáš­r means "to break fast”. After prayers the morning of Eid al Fitr, people visit their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

I went with my neighbors (Tim and Kathy Maynard) to visit two families. The first one was Pak Kipli’s family. Pak is the equivalent of sir. Pak Kipli is the man who takes care of our yard. Pak Kipli and his family are poor and live in a rather ramshackle house. They are squatters and have been kicked out of their home but somehow returned. (I didn’t quite catch that part of the story.) They have saved enough money to buy some land but plan to continue as squatters until they are forced to leave again. By staying, they hope to be able to save some more money to help with their move. We were fed several dishes at Pak Kipli’s: some kind of sticky black rice packed inside a banana leaf, two kinds of chicken dishes, a sweet rice ball which had been put into some sort of liquid that was allowed to ferment, and various cookies and sweets. I managed to eat some of the sticky black rice, the chicken and the different cookies. I tried the fermented rice balls but could only eat half of it. At least I tried and hope I didn’t offend by leaving half of it.

The next family we visited was Ibu Wati’s. Ibu is the equivalent of Mrs. Ibu Wati’s family is much better off than Pak Kipli’s. Ibu Wati lives just a little way down our road. I travel that road from time to time and felt it would be a good idea to get to know my neighbors. Thankfully, at Ibu Wati’s house we weren’t served a meal but only cookies, peanuts and some sort of chip thing. And we had cold Coke! ☺ Toward the end of our visit, she served us punch. It was pink, sweet, had some sort of gelatinous squares floating in it and some small seeds which looked like poppy seeds. The way to partake of the punch is to drink all the liquid and then use a spoon to scoop out the gelatinous squares. It was doable.

Of course, when one visits, one has to shake hands with everyone who is present and wish them Selamat Eid al Fitr, or Selamat Malaam. Selamat means happy – not exactly but close enough. Eid al Fitr of course is the name of the holiday and Malaam means evening. And handshaking here is not what we think of in the U.S. Handshaking here is just a bare touch of the hands. Some people touch their hearts after the hand shake. Others put both of their hands around yours. Still others touch their elbows with their left hand as they shake with their right hand. The children take your hand and touch it to their foreheads.

I really do find it all fascinating. My biggest regret is that I can’t speak to these people. I learn a tiny bit more of the language each week but it really isn’t enough to carry on a conversation.

That is it for tonight. Selamat Malaam to you .


  1. sounds super cross cultural and I am sure you wish you had your kids with you! I really do envy you with all the fun travels you have been able to do. So when are you going to get to go to Brazil to teach children there? How fun would that be?!? Love and hugs, Mary Jo

  2. I would love to go to Brazil to teach. I need to look into that.
