Last week, I had several opportuniites to practice riding my scooter. Little by little I am gaining confidence. My only "worry" now is crossing over two lanes of traffic in order to make a right hand turn. Yes, I said right hand turn. In Indonesia they drive on the "wrong" side of the road. Left hand turns are a piece of cake - I only have to watch one lane of traffic. Right hand turns are the hard ones. I am learning all the back roads that keep me from having to cut across the dreaded two lanes. :o)
I have had three English club meetings so far. Unfortunately, the second one was poorly attended: only one girl came and she had to leave shortly after arriving because she had a terrible cough. Last week four girls came. I hope for a better turnout tomorrow. I will only have two more English clubs at my house before Kathy returns and takes over again. I will probably continue to attend; I am enjoying it. The girls are so sweet! Two of these girls come to my house on Fridays to tutor me in Indonesian. They don't laugh too hard at my mistakes. :o) The word for hair is rambut and rambutan is the name of a fruit. Also if you want to say "your hair" you say rambutnya. You can guess where I am going with this, right? Yes, I said that I really liked this lady's new style of fruit. I keep praying that God will give me the gift of tongues. :o)
The MAF team will gather on Thursday evening for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We will even have a turkey; not an easy item to find here in Kalimantan. As you gather for your Thanksgiving remember to thank God for the small things - things like electricity, being able to understand the people around you, driving your car in a sane environment, consistent internet etc. Don't take the small things for granted. :o)
Good reminder. We'll all be thankful, Lynne.