Saturday, August 18, 2012

My classroom

Here are a couple of pictures of my classroom.  Disclaimer:  it is still a work in progress. 

 I live in what is called the "schoolhouse."  The walk-out basement is the actual school and the upstairs is the house where I live.  The school has three rooms:  two classrooms and a library.  This year we are very fortunate to have three teachers.  Therefore another classroom was needed.  Since I only need one bedroom, the third classroom (mine) will be in one of the spare bedrooms of the house. 

Now for something totally unrelated; a picture of what we use here to remove fingernail polish; varnish remover. :o)  The yellow sticker is the price:  5,500 Rupiah which roughly equals 55cents. 

Next week I'll post before and after pictures of making my house into a home. 


  1. Should you be using "varnish remover" on your fingernails? :)

  2. Loved reading about your life and look forward to more posts! Thanks! --Janice
