Two Sundays without a post. Did you notice? :o) Excuse #1: Last week the power was out when I got home from church and stayed off til five. Excuse #2: The week before that.... hmm, don't remember. Laziness perhaps.
Last Saturday, I spent some time at the Underhill's home. I hadn't been there long when I heard some kind of whistling noise outside. I asked about it and was informed it was the man who sold some rice concoction. I don't remember the name for it right now.
Since the Underhills were going to buy some of these rice things, I got a chance to have a cultural experience.
Let me try to briefly explain what happens. A gentleman brings his "store" with him on the back of his motorcycle to a neighborhood. The whistling sound, which attracts customers, was the steam coming from his "stove." (A lot of " " in this post.) The procedure: he scoops a bit of green rice from his drawer and stuffs into hollow bamboo tubes. A layer of "brown sugar" goes in next topped with another layer of green rice. He sets these bamboo containers onto a little hole on his "stove" so they will steam. Once he thinks they are done, he takes them off and pushes the rice cylinders out with his handy stick. He tops it off with a generous sprinkling of coconut and voila - green rice things. I made myself eat one - I reasoned that the steaming surely would kill any germs, right?? It actually wasn't bad and I didn't end up with dysentery .
Hey Lynne, Sorry I have been a very bad friend on your blog!! Just pulled it up and read every last one of your posts. makes me miss Portugal and being overseas. Even tho Indonesia is different culturally your posts conjure up memories. Love when you post all the cultural things that are soooooo different than anything most people can imagine. I am so impressed with your scooter navigation. The food you post is so fun and looks delicious...esp. those green rice things with all that fresh coconut on top. My mouth waters just looking at it. Praying for you! Hugs.