Sunday, February 3, 2013


Catchy title, huh?  :o)  I knew everyone would be dying to read this one.  Blame it on Corrie (my daughter).  I was bemoaning the fact that I didn't have anything interesting to write about.  She suggested I just go out my door and take pictures of whatever is in my yard.  And... that's what I did.  I took pictures of the different kinds of trees in my yard. 

Mango (mangga) tree
We'll start this walk around the yard here at the mango tree.  It actually had a lot of mangos on it.  One of the boys picked up several and ate them with the  juice dripping down his arms - really the only way to eat a mango.  Kathy (the missionary who lives in the house in the background) said unfortunately most of the mangos have worms inside them.  :o(

 Papaya tree
This papaya tree unfortunately was planted too close to my house.  Its top grew up into the eaves of the house.  Someone came a long and snapped it off in the middle but, as you can see, it has grown back.  All of that growth has happened in less than seven months.  Things do grow fast in the tropics. 
 Coconut tree
This is the spiritual tree in my yard. It reminds me of Psalm 92:12.  "The uncompromisingly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; be long-lived, stately, upright, useful and fruitful. "
Bayan tree
This tree is a favorite of our school kids.  They swing from it, climb all over it, hide in it and find lizards in it.  We teachers, stand in its shade during recess duty.  An interesting feature of this tree is its "aerial" roots.  Roots run from the branches to the ground. 

 There are more trees in the yard but after about three hours of trying to get these pictures downloaded, I think I'll just post these. 

Until next time.


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